The Local Anesthesia Examination is not part of the ADEX exam series. It is an optional examination offered to any eligible candidate who wishes to take the exam as part of the certification process to administer local anesthesia. The CDCA-WREB-CITA Local Anesthesia examination can be challenged with a computerized exam only, or in two parts both computerized and clinically based.

Local anesthesia candidates are responsible for understanding the examination requirements to obtain licensure in each state. Only register for the exam sections you need.

The majority of states that require an exam for a local anesthesia license will accept the Didactic Examination.

Alaska, Arizona, Montana, Washington, and Idaho require both Didactic and Clinical Examinations.



Didactic (Computer-Based) Simulated Examination

The timed examination is 60 minutes and is given at a testing center. Multiple-choice items are both discipline and case-based and have only one correct response. Up to five (5) field test questions are included, but not calculated in your final score. A maximum of 100 points is possible on the Local Anesthesia Computer-Based Didactic Examination. A final score of 75.00 or higher is required to pass.

Clinical Examination

Clinical local anesthesia is a patient-based examination. The clinical examination evaluates a candidate’s ability to utilize professional judgment and knowledge to competently administer both an Inferior Alveolar (IA) and a Posterior Superior Alveolar (PSA) nerve block injection on a patient. Candidates must successfully complete the computerized examination before challenging the patient-based clinical examination. 



Examination Fees – Local Anesthesia

Computer-Based Local Anesthesia Fees:
Individual/Retake $140

Clinical Individual/Retake Fees:
Individual $270 plus Facility Fee (varies by Clinical location)
Same-day Onsite Retake $270

Extended Registration & Transfer Fee
Request submitted after Clinical Registration Deadline = $145 Extended Registration & Transfer Fee

Refund Requests via Contact Us:
• Withdrawal prior to Clinical Registration Deadline = Full Refund
• Withdrawal after Clinical Registration Deadline = Refund minus $145 Extended Registration & Transfer Fee (applicable only to exam parts not attempted)
• “No Show” status = Refer to Candidate Guide (policies)
• Completed exam(s) = Not Applicable/No Refund

Local Anesthesia Exam Calendar

CDCA-WREB-CITA administers examinations for initial licensure across all fields of dentistry. Listings here are for reference only and do not reflect current exam status of any clinical location. Some locations may close in advance of the Registration Deadline or limit registration to students-only of their school/program. Locations indicating “Outside Candidates Accepted” also allow registration of candidates who are not current students of the exam site school/program.

Refer to the Candidate Guide, Candidate Manual and FAQs for eligibility requirements, exam registration, clinical scheduling requests, administrative policies, and more. See Examination Fees pane (right side of screen) for late registration, transfer, withdrawal, and more.

Login or Create an Account to access the “Register for an Exam” button of your online profile and view current clinical availability for those exams for which you are eligible or authorized.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions on topics such as applying for ADEX and other exams, sample OSCE questions, how to get score reports, attempt limits, and more.